Assembleon安必昂Philips飞利浦ITF2 ITF-II Sprocket Wheel Assembly Feeder motor KS (index) 8 mm 402259410050
产品简述 : Assembleon安必昂Philips飞利浦SMT Feeder Accessories / SMT Feeder Parts供料器配件/送料器配件/喂料器配件/料架配件/飞达配件. 料号: 402259410050. 品名: Feeder motor KS (index) 8 mm. To guarantee 100% accuracy of the feeder. the preferred method to replace a sprocket wheel. sprocket wheel sensor and/or index motor is to send the feeder to an authorised repair shop. 适用于 Assembleon安必昂Philips飞利浦ITF2智能供料器/送料器/喂料器/料架/飞达.